
Vaccinated BIO yogurt

For the first time is the yogurt mentioned in writing source from the 8th century, which mentions a Turkish product called “yogurut”. Centuries later the name was changed to “yogurt”. However, according to historians, the word “yogurt” is Hun-Altai origin, and it is associated with the Proto-Bulgarians. “Jog” means “thick” and “URT” = milk. According to preserved data, Genghis Khan gave the yogurt to the army as food. In Western Europe, according to sources, yogurt appeared later, in 1644.

Preparation time 20 minutes .. Cultivation 3 hours .. Durability 5 days

INGREDIENTS .. 8 x 200-230 ml

  • 1 liter of pasteurized milk
  • 80 g bio white yogurt


If you want to make your yogurts from a raw cow milk, heat it first at 80°C. As soon as the milk exceeds this temperature, lower the temperature to 40°C. If you use already pasteurized milk like me, heat it to 40°C.

Wash all your utensils and storage jars clean and sterilise them in boiling water, so that you avoid the bad bacteria.

Then you can at the bottom of the glass what do jam, muesli or fruit.

Take a little of the milk, and mix together with BIO yoghurt (use preferably INNOX or some other material, but never wooden spoons in order to avoid the bad bacteria in the yoghurt).

Now you can, if desired, taste the remaining milk.

Because the vanilla has a perfect detox effects on our body, I have flavored my milk with vanilla powder and little vanilla sugar.

If you flavored the milk, add the yogurt mixture, mix well and spread on the prepared jars.

Now it will begin the process of the reproduction of bacteria. It is good to keep yogurt nearby heat source so that the temperature of the yoghurts will not fall below 30°C. For example, you can wrap them in a blanket and keep warm. But in that case, the method is slow, even 12 hours.

I put them in a preheated oven at 45°C and have ensured that it has remained so for the next 3 hours. Afterwards, you can immediately enjoy your yoghurts, or put them in the refrigerator where they will still thicken. No machine or yogurt makers are necessary.

From a liter of milk I got 8 yoghurts of 200-230 ml.

Attention ! This kind of yogurt is not suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

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