Fantastic, classic german “schweinenschnitzel” of oriental way. Yummy.
Preparation time 12 hours .. Baking 25 minutes
MARINADE .. 2 pers
- 1/2 el bicarbonaat
- 1 el honing
- 1 el maizena
- 1 el sojasaus
- 2 el olie
- 1 el water
- 2 lapjes varkensvlees
- 50 ml sojasaus
- 2 el honing
- 2-3 teentjes knoflook, geperst
- 2 tbsp flour
- 1 el vinegar
- 3 el olie
- 1/2 broccoli
Whisk together the baking soda, honey, corn starch, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, vinegar and oil together. Toss the meat with the marinade to coat. Cover and refrigerate at least for one hour, best over night.
In a small bowl mix together soy sauce, honey, garlic, flour and vinegar until smooth. Set aside. In a large wok pan heat 2 tbsp of oil until shimmering. Add the broccoli and saute 3 minutes, stirring often. Remove the broccoli now from the pan.
Reduce heat to medium high and add carefully the rest of oil. Add the marinated meat plus a half of the sauce mixture and fry for about 3-4 minutes, stirring often until the meat is tender but no longer pink. Now stir in the broccoli and saute together for about 1 minute.
Done. Serve with rice or pasta.
Bon apetit!
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