IMG 319211

Flemish horse stew

The original dish is horse meat, but if you can not help, you can make him so well with beef or pork.

Preparation time 120 minutes


  • 1 kg hors meat
  • 6 big onions
  • 2 tbsp mustard
  • 1 l dark brown beer
  • 5 big bay leaves
  • 125 g butter
  • salt, pepper and allspice


Peel the onions and nakrájaj sliced ​​or in pieces. Basically it does not matter, because the onion is cooking in the sauce completely disappear. Take half the butter and onions let it simmer over a moderate heat until completely softened up and the glass.

Take the other half of the butter, the breakdown of it in the second pan and let the meat on it to close completely. Once the mask is closed and turns, add bay leaves and mustard, and let everything simmer together at high temperature. Stir until then, to see that mask in a spicy mustard loses.

Now is the time to reduce the heat and add the onion mask. Let all the while stirring stew.

Once the smell of onions highlights, it’s time to add the beer. This should pour in four to five steps to achieve the desired effect. So add about 1/4 of beer and again to increase the temperature to the boiling point. Then download the flame to low and simmer, still without a lid, stirring occasionally. When the sauce begins to deepen, it’s time to add another quarter beer and repeat the whole thing.

After adding the last quarter of the beer, drop the temperature minimum, again thoroughly zamiešaj, steep pot lid and let it stew for another 45 minutes. Do not forget to periodically shuffle mask.

If it is not sauce for 45 minutes, enough thick, should uncover the pot and let boil away excess liquid to evaporate excess moisture in the pot remained just lovely thick sauce with deliciously soft mask.

Served with Belgian fries, croquettes or mashed potatoes, garnished with watercress.

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