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Chickpeas hummus with sesam & thyme

Fantastic humus (spreads) healthy legumes. This you can smear on toast or bruschetta or just eat with spoon. Blessed!

Soaking time over night .. Cooking 20 minutes .. Preparation 10 minutes


  • 200 g chickpeas
  • 3 thick tbsp fresh thyme leaves
  • 4 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 crushed clove garlic
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 150 ml olive oil
  • broth of chickpeas
  • salt & pepper


Soak the chickpeas overnight. Rinse the water and then cook them in fresh water with a little salt. After 20 minutes they are cooked. Strain them but trapping some moisture for later. Splash the cooked chickpeas in cold water and drain.

Put them in the blender or food processor along with chopped thyme leaves, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Incorporate them into puree. Feels puree some dry to add some cooking liquid from the chickpeas and mix again. Humus mach not dry but no soup. Season with salt and pepper and ready.

Chickpeas are very healthy and a perfect source of iron, proteins and also help with insomnia. Best tastes freshly cooked. After cooking, they are perfectly storable for 48 hours (if they are not further processed into humus/falafel). They are also a perfect replacement for meat and therefore so popular with vegetarians.

Spread your humus on slice of bread or baguette and enjoy!

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