This recipe for easy, cheap and gluten free dough as much for salty as sweet dishes or desserts, I would like to dedicate to all people with celiac disease.
Preparation time 90 minutes
- 250 g gluten free flour
- 125 g butter or margarine with 82% of fat
- 75 g butter or margarine with 82% of fat
- 130 ml cold water
- 5 g of salt
Put the flour in a circle on a worksheet. Sprinkle salt on the outside of the flower. Pour the water in the middle and do the even 200 grams of butter. Combine all this with the flour slowly until a homogeneous dough. The flour is soft as pudding powder so get ready that to work with it might be a little bit more difficult, but absolutely not impossible. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes under plastic.
Roll the dough into a square of 8 mm thick. To roll will creates breaks at the corners of the dough but with every next step it will get easier, so don’t worry. Coat the remaining butter equal to 2/3 of the rectangle. Fold the dough towards the center closed, starting with the part without butter. It is now ready to be toured. Sprinkle the work surface with a little flour. Roll the dough into a rectangle 1 cm thick. Make sure there is no flour remains on the dough. Fold the dough into thirds – this is the first tour in three.
Roll the dough out again into a rectangle 1 cm thick in the opposite direction. Remove the flower of the dough and fold into thirds – this is the second round in threes. Wrap the dough in foil and let rest for 20 minutes in the refrigerator .
After 20 minutes, repeat the procedure, so you get four rows obtained in three. Wrap the dough in foil and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, repeat the process so that you now have six rows obtained in three. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let rest for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
Finally, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and if you do not go into a cake edit it immediately put it to use in the freezer.
1. If you use the butter to the dough, then let the dough rest for up to 30 minutes after each round.
2. The roll in opposite directions provides for a smooth operation of the dough.
3. Puff pastry can be stored until the next day. Refrigerate after four tours in three.
4. The dough like the unbaked pastry products can be stored. For a longer period in the freezer