
Rose hip jam

September is a classic rose hip season. Since I was just getting this bottle from my mother, I decided to make it myself this time. The result is amazing!

Fruit Preparation time 3,5 hours .. Preparation time 60 minutes .. Durability min. 1 year


  • 2 kg fresh rose hips (±1200 g pure fruit)
  • 1 kg custard sugar
  • juice from 1 lemon


Divide the freshly harvested rose hips into pounds and wash them. We managed to harvest 7 kg in total, but I processed them for 2 kg per dose. Now remove the underpants and tops and cut them in half. It took me to do this step for 1,5 hour for 2 pounds of fruit.

When all of them are halved, use the mini teaspoon to remove the seeds and hair from their center. I call this “Italian way” for this is exactly how Italians and Slovak people do this jam. The hairs are a bit disgusting because they prick softly to your skin and of course stick to your hands (see picture below), but you will manage. It took me 1,5 hour to remove the seeds and hair from 2 kg of fruit.

Rinse the clean fruit a few times and put it in the pot. Add 1100 ml of water and bring to a boil. When they begin to boil, stir the massa occasionally on medium heat until soft. When soft, mix them with an hand or in kitchen blender.

Add sugar and lemon juice and boil until the jam is thick. Then, perform the jam test and, when your jam does not run anymore, dispense it into sterile jars and seal well. Allow to cool and put aside for later use.

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