IMG 78591

Belgian Spice Cake

A typical Belgian gingerbread. After Christmas Speculoos is the second most popular cookie of Belgium and the Netherlands. Originally is prepared from rye flour, honey and typical gingerbread spices. Great as a breakfast or with coffee, especially during the Christmas season. But you can buy it throughout the year as well.

Preparation time 15 minutes .. Baking 45 + 15 minutes


  • 4 cups of rye flour
  • 3 tbsp bicarbonate
  • 3 tbsp gingerbread spice mix
  • 1 cup of liquid honey
  • 2 1/2 cups of water


Make a dough: heat the honey with water to just to the boiling point. Pour in the flour and mix. Let it rest in the fridge for 24 hours.

Take 1 kg of this mother dough and add the other ingredients. Mix with wet hands to prevent sticking.

Pour the mixture into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with coarsely chopped nuts and bake 45 minutes at 180°C. Then lower the temperature to 165°C and bake for another 15 minutes.

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